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Three reasons why a Medi-Cure is excellent value for money

Written by City Feet Clinic Monday, 26 September 2022 09:12

Key concepts about Medi-Cures we discuss in this blog:

- excellent standards of hygiene provided. 

- medical knowledge of a Podiatrist helps in disease prevention

- extensive training & practical advice from a Podiatrist

Let's begin with what a Medi-Cure is...

A Medical Pedicure (Medi-Cure for short) is a treatment performed by a registered Podiatrist. 

The treatment beings with a thorough examination of the skin. From right to left side and top to bottom up to the heels. Between each toe is examined (we are checking for moles that may need to be checked). Nails are cleaned and trimmed, dead, dry skin, corns and callouses are removed. Cracks are treated. A moisturising foot balm is then applied. 

Let's now look at three reasons we think Medi-Cures are excellent value for money. 


Podiatrists use excellent standards of hygiene. During their university training, Podiatrists are taught medical standard hygiene practices. All instruments are sterilised after use. Instruments are never used on more than one client. 


As part of their training, Podiatrists study the disease process. This puts Podiatrists in a perfect position to be able to detect early signs of disease process occurring in your feet. Each appointment your feet are examined in a systemic and thorough way. This medical knowledge can ensure early detection and also prevention of disease. Mole checks are performed as part of the Medi-Cure. 


Podiatrists are extensively trained. Their training includes human anatomy, physiology, disease prevention and pharmacology. They draw on this high standard of knowledge to ensure your feet are in top condition. As they are very knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to the feet, they can discuss with you how best to care for the skin and nails of your feet. Podiatrists can give practical and safe advice. 

A Med-Cure is not just a fancy pedicure. It is a comprehensive foot check and cleanup. Just like a regular dental check-up, regular foot care is an important part of taking care of your body. 

How to arrange a Medi-Cure booking in Sydney CBD...

Call 0452 416 933. 

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Book online via - http://cityfeetclinic.com.au/book-appointment 

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