Biomechanical & Shoe Analysis


At City Feet Clinic, we stay up to by regularly researching the latest biomechanical studies and developments. 

Our job is to then translate this into podiatry for you. 

Biomechanics is the science of movement of a living body, including how muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments work together to produce movement.

Biomechanics of the feet can result in changes to ankle, leg, knee, hip and lower back. The body has kinetic chains from the feet to the head and vice versa.

As you can imagine – having weakened or tight muscles, poor technique, excessive force to bone or soft tissue structures can cause pain if the tissue cannot tolerate the load – resulting in tears, inflammation, swelling, breaks, fractures etc.

Please call or email for more information.

Shoe Analysis

Shoes are often bought and sold with no regard to function – you may purchase on the basis that the shoes 'look good' and buy from a sales person, who has very limited knowledge on the matter. This is particularly scary as they are a major part to our daily wardrobe.

We need to check what’s working well for the activity they are used for, even down to your work shoes.

Being a shoe specialist we can help with all shoes, sports, work, casual and even your favourite pair of high heels!

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