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Take your run from 5km-10km...

Written by Lachlan Keith Friday, 03 April 2020 13:47

  Sydney CBD Podiatrist | Sports Podiatrist near me

We’ve got a lot more time on our hands at the moment and with gyms closed, we are seeing more & more of you running for your daily exercise. So our resident runner Lachy has laid down some tips to get even more out of your run.

“If you have got to the point of running 5 km consistently, there is half a chance you have looked into using one of the various apps to track your runs. If you haven’t it’s time to hit the app stores and download one of these;

  • Strava 
  • Nike Running Club 
  • Adidas Run 
  • Pacer 
  • Map my run 

Our goal isn’t just getting you to the 10km mark, we are also going to build up strength, speed and endurance so you keep smashing PBs along the way.

A lot of running programs are very specific and complicated. We have stripped it back so you can easily follow along, whilst still enjoying the freedom and beauty of running. 

Each week you are going to go on three different runs... A recovery run, A speed run and a long run. 

Recovery Run: The key is to read/listen to your body. You shouldn’t be using a watch/ phone and looking at your split times for this one. This should just be a simple run at a comfortable pace, whereby you can still talk. (Should you be running with a family member)

Speed Run: This one you’ll defiantly need a watch/phone to track your run. You can choose one of these options before going for your run. 

** Always have an active warm-up before speed work**

  • Simply run the full distance at your best speed time. 
  • 1km time trails for the required distance listed 
  • Interval training (pick one or mix it up for the required distance)
    • 40 sec on 20 seconds off 
    • 2 min on 30 seconds off 
    • 4 min on 1 min off 
    • Make up your our interval distancing aiming to increase your “on time” and decrease your rest. 
  • Track/ oval work (pick one or mix it up for the required distance)
    • 400 meters efforts with rest in-between 
    • Start at 1 lap, then add a lap till your doing 4 laps at speed. Incorporate a rest lap between each effort. 
  • Be creative it is all about focusing on shorter distancing but increasing your speed. 


Long run: This is a very simple, long run at a consistent pace. As you build up you will figure out what your average km pace will be, we want you to try and keep decreasing your average kilometre pace by 2-3 seconds each long run. For example, if you run 8km in 42 min you are running at 5:15 km pace, on your next long run you should aim for a 5:12-5:13 pace over the required distance. 

Recovery Run (Monday/Tuesday)

Speed Run (Wednesday/Thursday)

Long run (Saturday/Sunday)

Week 1

4-6 km 

4.5 km 

7 km 

Week 2 

4-6 km

5 km

7.7 km 

Week 3

4-6 km


8.5 km

Week 4

4-6 km

6 km 

9.5 km

Week 5

4-6 km

6.6 km

10 km

Week 6

6-8 km

7.2 km

11 km 

Week 7

6-8 km

8 km

12 km

Week 8

6-8 km

8.8 km

13.5 km 

Week 9

6-8 km

9.5 km

14.5 km 

Week 10

6-8 km

10 km 

15 km 

For more info please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at www.cityfeetclinic.com.au 

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